
Construction of Intersection Improvements on Rohan Road at Minonite Road (FM 2977)

Antwi Industries recently completed the Construction of Intersection Improvements on Rohan Road at Minonite Road (FM 2977) Fort Bend County Mobility Project No. 17114. The project included construction of realigned Rohan Road and tie into Meadow Lane, approximately 100-feet south of Minonite Road (FM 2977) and Rohan Road intersection. The proposed paving installed is 3-inch hot mix - hot laid asphaltic concrete, 8-inch crushed aggregate base course, and 6-inch lime-fly ash stabilized subgrade. The project also included construction of dual 9'X7' box culverts, open ditches, water line, seeding and sodding, placement of signs, pavement markings, and metal beam guardrail fence.

Antwi was also responsible for establishing and maintaining a stormwater pollution prevention plan in accordance with the structure measures shown in the construction plans.

Fort Bend County, Harris County, City of Houston, City of Rosenberg, and TxDOT specifications and standards, as shown in the plans and documents, were used in the construction of this project.